Board of Directors

Education Committee

2023 Co-Chairs: Reka Muller MSPH, LCGC, Meghan Kelley MS, LCGC, & Deanna Almanza MS, LCGC

The Education Committee oversees all statewide educational efforts for genetic counselors in Florida. The main role of this committee is to plan and oversee our Annual Education Conference that typically takes place the third week of May.

Public Affairs Committee

2023 Co-Chairs: Laura V. Barton, MS, MA, LCGC & Amy Jonasson, MS, LCGC

The Public Affairs Committee works with a lobbying firm to work toward the best interest of genetic counselors and their patients when it comes to new legislation. The main focus of this committee has been establishing licensure. While we successfully established licensure in 2021, there is still much work to do to establish rules and regulations and our licensure renewal process. 

Development Committee

2023 Co-Chairs: Laura Moreno, MSPH, LCGC & Jessica Ordonez, MS, LCGC

The Development Committee works to further develop networking and outreach in the genetic counseling community. Their main role is to plan the annual Prospective Students Day, a joint event hosted by University of South Florida’s Genetic Counseling program. 

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Committee

2023 Chair: Stefania Alastre Arcusa, MSPH, LCGC, Radha Suku MS, LCGC, & Brittany Sears MS, LCGC

The DEI Committee is a newly established committee that strives to promote diversity within the genetic counseling field by identifying and working to diminish obstacles that limit individuals of minority and underprivileged backgrounds from pursuing this profession. Not only will our profession be made better by the success of these efforts, so will the patient experience. Our committee has established an annual grant that covers Match and application fees for up to ten applicants from diverse backgrounds applying to a Florida genetic counseling program. We are currently working on establishing a fundraising method to continue to support this scholarship for years to come and to increase the number of students who we can support. 

2022 Co-Chair

Social Media Committee

2023 Co-ChairsDarrow Speyer, MGC, LCGC & Christine Steele MS, LCGC

The Social Media Committee oversees all of FLAGC’s communication on various forms of social media. The committee creates original content, promotes the efforts of the organization, and works to educate the lay community on the field of genetic counseling.

Facebook account: Florida Association of Genetic Counselors

Instagram handle: @the_flagc 

Twitter handle: @FloridaGenetic1

Social media request form: 

If you are interested in FLAGC social media content on a specific topic or wish to nominate a peer for a Florida GC feature, please submit a request here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScjcyUdg0UsQ4hTK27mMgn1-14WpQdm-TeiyPD9CVtyUN6ywA/viewform?usp=sf_link 

If you are interested in serving on a committee, or serving as a future Chair or Co-Chair of a Committee please reach out to floridagenetics@gmail.com. The Executive Board is voted upon at the Annual Education Conference bi-annually in May. Committee Chairs are appointed following the annual conference (typically in June) for one year terms. 

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